1. EUT+Language Conference

First EUT+ Language Conference in Darmstadt - Publication via EUT+ Press
Multilingualism and interculturality - as an expression of Europe's diversity - are essential components of the EUT+. In this context, the first EUT+ language conference on “Inter/Multiculturalism in a Post-Colonial Era: Languages and European Values” took place at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences in front of an international audience in January 2023, with numerous contributors presenting. The Language Center with support by the EUT+ team at h_da hosted the conference.
In the summer of 2024, a selection of the conference papers was published in an anthology and is available online at EUT+ Press. The Editorial Board, in which all EUT+ partners are represented, provides a multilingual foreword as an example of this successful collaboration. Thirteen contributions present experiences, ideas and research findings related to language and its interaction with intercultural communication, European values and postcolonialism.
From 26 to 28 June 2024, the second EUT+ language conference was organized by Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena in Spain. The language conferences are expected to continue, with the partner universities taking turns as hosts.